Monday, January 3, 2011

Christmas Surprise

Remember me mentioning that I would like a few pieces of Star Glow to use for the holidays? Well Buster remembered too! Imagine my surprise when I opened a heavy package Christmas morning finding five Star Glow platters. They are the perfect size to use for chargers or just to use as platters on the Christmas buffet. I now have 5 chargers, 4 dinner plates, 2 saucers, and 1 cereal bowl. That is a nice start for holiday dinnerware!

Star Glow charger or platter

My other holiday treat was a grey McCoy pitcher. My daughter would have liked to have hi-jacked that one back to New York in her suitcase.

Nothing says love like searching all the nooks and crannies of the county for 60 year old dinnerware. You can't run to the mall for Star Glow. What a wonderful day!