Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Taken For a Ride

This time instead of going for a ride, I was taken for a ride. I was making my favorite rounds and first stopped in Goodwill. A quick spin and I didn't find a thing so I headed over to America's Thrift. I found a stack of four square Paden City plates with an interesting "modern" pattern. Then I noticed a white pitcher with a yellow stopper and a matching creamer. I added those to my basket. After I finished a sweep of the dinnerware section, I headed over to furniture. I didn't find anything interesting so I headed to the checkout.

Paden City but I don't know the pattern

 Shame on America's Thrift for not disclosing
 that the design was gone.

When I got home, I couldn't wait to get all that tape, that America's Thrift is so famous for using, off the stack of plates. The first one in the stack was a little worn but in decent shape. The other three were terrible! There was hardly any design left on the plates at all! America's Thrift - you took me for a ride! At least when you buy something on E-Bay, the buyer discloses all the imperfections. I feel that America's Thrift was being totally dishonest.

After several hours on the Internet, I still haven't found the pattern. Paden City is the name of the maker and the plates are square but I haven't a clue as to the name of the pattern. Any clue as to the identity?

Any idea as to the manufacturer?
 The other two pieces were in good shape and I quickly got them cleaned up. The pitcher has USA on the bottom but no other markings. I thought at first that the pieces were Taylor Smith and Taylor but the handle on the creamer isn't quite as long as the Ever Yours creamer. Any ideas?

I guess I learned a lesson today. Everything is not always what it seems. Check your purchases carefully. Shame on you, America's Thrift.

Update: The Paden City plate is Design 88 by Anton Refregier. Sometimes a book is a quicker way to find information than the internet. After spending hours on the internet looking for the pattern, I found it in five minutes in Michael Pratt's Mid-Century Modern Dinnerware. Go figure...

Also found out that the white with yellow pitcher and creamer are Harker Cock O'morn. I am not sure if it is a covered pitcher or a coffee pot.

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